Unit 3 Reflection: Technologies & Education

         In last unit, we discussed about technologies and education topic. We had to search some articles from different websites, such as DVC database, Twitter and Google. I found that teachers and students to use technology in education are becoming increasingly important. Some of teachers began using online teaching and students used IPad or computer in class. I also found that online assignment is becoming gradually common type to finish homework. Thus, I decided to explore this question: do online assignments benefit for students and teachers?The reason I chose this question is online assignment also connect with my learning life. When I studied in college, some of courses are using internet to submit homework assignments. This is my first time using technology to finish homework assignment. Before I studied in college, all of homework assignments are writing on paper. Therefore, after using technology to finish assignment in some courses, I want to know online assignment what benefits for students and teachers used in education.

         The core words of my question are “benefits for online assignment”. It was easier to search relevant articles from different searching websites. When I selected articles, I would look for that the article addressed arguments about online assignments benefit for students and teachers, or provided specific personal example to support it. Maybe some articles only described benefits for students or teachers, it also related to my question. Finally, I chose seven articles relevant my question, I deeply known how technologies impacted students and teachers. For teachers, it decreased time to collect exercises, don’t have to carry stacks of homework paper, and as soon as possible to give back feedback. For students, they can finish assignment anywhere and anytime, increase student motivation to finish assignments and instantly gain feedback and solution for each assignment.

         In conclusion, searching relevant articles to narrow question, and then through key words to choose articles to support the question.

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